Global MBA
This program is no longer accepting applications.
Learn more about the Master of Business Administration at Jacksonville University.
Jacksonville University’s Global MBA allows you to earn your MBA (Masters of Business Administration) in as few as 13 months while traveling abroad. Study at some of the top business schools in the world with JU’s Global MBA program, including Waseda University, the #1 private university in Japan.
Students begin their GMBA with a semester at JU, spend a semester studying at one of our four partner institutions and then return to JU to complete their degrees.
The GMBA program is only 36 (General) to 39 credit hours (Global concentration) and can be completed in 13-18 months of continuous study.
More than one concentration may be earned.
Additional Concentrations offered:
- Accounting & Finance
- Marketing Management
- Portfolio Management
JU's Global MBA is unique in that during your time at our partner institutions you will be taught by faculty from that institution. You will be exposed to business culture both inside and outside the classroom. All courses are taught in English.