DNP Student Presentations
Jason Bailey, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP, ENP, CEN
Enhancing Surgical Patient Safety by Implementing an Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening
Program: A Quality Improvement Project
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Sarah Firmin, DNP, MSN, RN-BC
Hypoglycemia Management in the Inpatient Setting: Protocol Education for the Registered
Chair: Dr. Lila de Tantillo
Shannon Keegan, DNP, BSN, RN
The Effectiveness of a Decision-Making Tool Intervention on Physical Restraint Use
Among Adult Patients on a Progressive Care Unit
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Teresa Smoot, DNP, RN, MSN
Educational Intervention to Enhance Staff Knowledge and Increase Awareness Regarding
Risk Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection to Reduce Blood and Body
Fluid Exposure
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Ashlie Sinclair, BSN, RN
A Quality Improvement Project to Assess Anxiety of Family Members who Receive Standard
Communication During the Intraoperative Period
Chair: Dr. Kathryn Kott
Leane Dye, DNP, BSN, RN
The Effectiveness of the Sexual Assault Simulation Course for Health Care Providers
(SASH) in a Rural Emergency Room
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Jennifer Willison, DNP
A Nursing Educational Intervention to Alter Pain Perception and Improve Satisfaction
with Pain Treatment after Elective Surgery
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Jennifer Morton, DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN
A Quality Improvement Project: The Effects of an Hourly Rounding Protocol on Inpatient
Falls in the Acute Care Setting
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Melissa McRae, DNP, MSN, MBA, RN, CNE
Effectiveness of an Interprofessional Team Model of Care in the Acute Care Setting
Chair: Dr. Dorcas Kunkel
Wendy Jackson, DNP, MSN, RN
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Increased Screening for Non-Accidental Trauma in the
Pediatric Emergency Department and Trauma Center (with Dr. Stephanie Dorsey)
Chair: Dr. Teresa MacGregor
Stephanie Dorsey, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Increased Screening for Non-Accidental Trauma in the
Pediatric Emergency Department and Trauma Center (with Dr. Wendy Jackson)
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Pierrela Gerdes, DNP
Improve Handoff Communication Skills in a Pre-Licensed Nursing Program Using a Standardized
Unit-Specific Evidence Base Tool
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Thao Tran, DNP, RN, BSN, CPN
The Effectiveness of Preoperative Preparation Program in Decreasing Parental Preoperative
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Mariah Rose, DNP, MSN, APRN
Improving Nursing Awareness of Post Intensive Care Syndrome
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Michelle Charrette, RN, BSN
Decreasing Pre-procedure Anxiety in School-aged Patients in an Outpatient Surgery
Setting Using a Video Prior to Anesthesia Induction
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
April Starling, DNP
The Use of Simulation-Based Education to Elevate Nursing Knowledge Related to Post-Operative
Head and Neck Oncology Patient with an Advanced Airway
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Amber Santos, DNP, MBA, RN, CNE
Implementation of the Asthma Control Test and Asthma Action Plan in Pediatric Primary
Care to Improve Patient Outcomes
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Chelsa Fore, DNP, MSN, RN
Improving Implementation of Prenatal Programs amongst High-Risk Population through
Policy Analysis
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Nadine Ellis, DNP, MSN, RN, C-EFM
Improving Maternal Outcomes in African-American Women: A Task Force Policy Initiative
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Erika Cunningham-Regis, DNP, MBA, MSN, RN, CPPS, CPHQ, CPHRM
Preventing Healthcare Workplace Violence Through Legislation
Chair: Dr. Erica Kines
Courtney Delaparte, DNP, BSN, RN
Reducing Acute Care Hospital Setting Inpatient Falls with Implementation of Hourly
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Ashley Ceithaml, DNP
Body Image Distress and Post Mastectomy Women
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Francine Marabell, DNP
Enhancing Mobility in the Postoperative Colorectal Patient Through Behavior Modification
and Motivation
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Lisa Heath, DNP
Nursing Emergency Support Team: A Program Evaluation
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Eliessa Caplan, DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN
Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores by Optimizing Nurse/Patient Communication
Chair: Dr. Dorcas Kunkel
Meghan Kelley, DNP
Reducing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries Through the Implementation of the Leaf
Patient Monitoring System
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
Chelsea Hall-McArthur, DNP
A Quality Improvement Project: Evaluation of Teach-Back Training on Medication Adherence
in Hypertensive Older Veterans
Chair: Dr. Erica Kines
Donald Tanner, DNP, MSN, RN
An Evaluation of Timing of Discharge Instruction and the Impact on Patient Satisfaction
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Elizabeth Dasher, DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN-K
Interdisciplinary Rounding and Its Effect on Communication and Quality
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
Ashley Gagne, DNP, RN, BSN
Depression Screening and Management in a Free Primary Care Clinic
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Nicoleta Buiciuc, DNP, MSN-ED, APRN, FNP-BC
Diabetic Education to Reduce Readmission of Patients with Diabetes
Chair: Dr. Kathryn Kott
Tina Barber, DNP, ARNP-BC
Effectiveness of Music on Comfort and Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Therapy in an Adult Population with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
Veronica Lacambra, DNP, RN
Developing and Implementing a Bedside Tablet Application Training Program
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Blanca McKean, DNP, RN, NE-BC
The Impact of a Mindfulness Intervention on the Healthcare Work Environment and Patient
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Lauren Holloway, DNP, RN
Improving Perinatal National Provision of Care Standards Using Policy Analysis
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Katarina DeVault, DNP, FNP-C, AOCNP
Lowering Stress, Anxiety and Distress Levels in Medical Oncology Patients Actively
Receiving Intravenous Treatment with Utilization of Art Therapy
Chair: Dr. Mary Vanderhoef
Jessica Tressler, DNP, RN
Implementation and Evaluation of an Emergency Department Specific Fall Risk Assessment
Chair: Dr. Cheryl Bergman
Lisa Teel, DNP, RN
Effectiveness of Standardized Interdisciplinary Rounds to Decrease Catheter-Associated
Urinary Tract Infections
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Danielle Hallman, DNP, RN
The Role of Nurse-Led Groups in Relapse Prevention
Chair: Dr. Lindsay McKim
Shannon Crowe, DNP, RN
Disparities in Health Care for the Transgender Population
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Alicia Wise, DNP, RN
Incorporating a Human Trafficking Screening Assessment Tool in Triage
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Vincent Krause, DNP, RN
Increasing Provider Awareness To Detect, Treat, And Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections
In Male Service Members
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Marie Milton, DNP, RN
Improving Resource Access and Implementation for Informal Cancer Caregivers in a Clinic
at an Outpatient Cancer Center.
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Meredith Kelly, DNP, RN
The Effect of MyMedSchedule® Plus Smartphone Application on Antihypertensive Medication
Adherence in Hypertensive Adults in the Outpatient Setting.
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Garrett Blaker, DNP, RN
Evidence-Based Educational In Home Program to Improve Self-Management Adherence and
A1C Levels for Patients with Diabetes.
Chair: Dr. Kathryn Kott
Lori Koethe, DNP, RN
Improving Transitional Care in Rural Health Using a Standardized Discharge Time-Out
Chair: Dr. Mary Vanderhoef
Deborah S. Hickman, DNP, RN
Classification of Surgical Case Descriptions for Surgical Scheduling Improvement in
Chair: Dr. Lesley Morgan
Vikas Crawford, DNP, RN
A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Staff Recognition of Early Signs of Sepsis
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Pamela Simon Card, DNP, RN
Finding Support: Evaluating Use of a Virtual DNP Final Project Peer Support Community
in Limited-Residency Program
Chair: Dr. Pam Rillstone
Sona Dolsenhe, DNP, RN
Does an Evidence-Based Supplemental Education Brochure Enhance Patient Understanding
for Those Undergoing Bariatric Surgery?
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Tim Byrd, DNP, RN
An Evaluation of an Intervention Designed to Assist Undergraduate College Students
with Stress, Anxiety, or Depression to Increase Physical Activity Levels
Chair: Dr. Teri Chenot
Marissa Trino Lovely, DNP, RN
Knowledge and Compliance of Staff in using the Clostridium Difficile Bundle
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Victoria Kozel, DNP, RN
Reducing Medication Errors through Addition of a Pharmacist and Standardized Communication
to Interdisciplinary Team Rounding: A Quality Improvement Project
Chair: Dr. Lynette Kennison
Kathy Bonthuis, DNP, RN
From Expert to Novice: Effect of a Nursing Orientation Program on Novice Nurse Educator
Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Candace Moll, DNP, RN
Implementation of an Educational Program to Manage Disruptive Patient Behavioral Event
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Irene Talarico, DNP, PMHNP
The Use of Telehealth to Increase Mental Health Services Access and Promote Medication
Adherence in Rural Locations.
Chair: Dr. Pam Rillstone
Amanda Lyons, DNP, RN
Reducing Perceived Stress, Burnout and Improving Joy in Work for Nurse Leaders
Chair - Dr. Dorcas Kunkel
Dawn Smith, DNP RN
A Bundled Approach for Peripheral IV Site Care and Maintenance
Chair – Dr. Roberta Christopher
Rachel Rodriguez, DNP, FNP-BC
A Plant-Based Dietary Intervention for Nurses
Chair – Dr. Leigh Hart
Shannon Terrell, DNP, FNP-BC
A DNP Quality Improvement Project to Implement and Evaluate an Electronic Employee
Injury Form for Reporting Healthcare Employee Sharps Injuries and Splash Exposures
to Blood and Body Fluids
Chair – Dr. Roberta Christopher
Sarah Pratico, DNP, FNP-C
Implementing a Perinatal Depression Screening Treatment Program in an Obstetrical
Health Department Setting
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Laura Spear, DNP, FNP-C
The Effects of a Written Procedural Information Tool on Perceived Perception of Communication
in Adult Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization.
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Caitlin Read, DNP, FNP-C
Quality Improvement in Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Adherence through
Written Education and Supportive Measures.
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Shweta Patel, DNP, FNP-C
Post Stroke Depression Screening and Intervention.
Chair: Dr. Lynnette Kennison
Mary Garner, DNP, RN
The Development of a Depression Screening and Referral Program.
Chair: Dr. Dorcas Kunkel.
Mildred Evans, DNP, RN
A Structured Nursing Follow-up Intervention to Improve the Management of Hypertension
with Home Telehealth Utilization.
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
McKenna Blansett, DNP, FNP
Effectiveness of PictureRx on Perceived Medication Adherence in the Independently
Living Older Adult.
Chair: Dr. Jean Richards
Nicole Pascarella, DNP, FNP
Effectiveness of PictureRx on Perceived Medication Adherence in the Independently
Living Older Adult
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
Dawn Harris, RN, DNP
Implementation of a Transitional Care Heart Failure Discharge Checklist to Reduce
Hospital Readmissions
Chair: Dr. Ashlee Loewen
Darlene Carey, RN, DNP
Contact Precautions: The Impact of Discontinuing for Multi-Drug Resistant Organism
Chair: Dr. Dorcas Kunkel
Kelly Johnson, RN, DNP
This is My Story: Using Patient Personalization Posters to Improve Nurses’ Caring
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Sharon Edmunds, DNP, RN, CEN, CPEN
Assessing the Effectiveness of an Emergency Nursing Fellowship: A Four Year Review
Chair: Dr. Cheryl Bergman
Tera Maple, DNP, ACNP-BC
Using a CPR Video Decision Aid in the Neuroscience ICU
Chair: Dr. Elaine Borne
Robin Boothby, DNP, RN
Making Evidenced Based Practice, Everyday Practice
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Dayle Ann McCary, DNP, RN
Competency Assessment of Nursing Staff in the Healthcare Setting
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Navondria Lawson, DNP, FNP
Caring Connection
Chair: Dr. Teresa MacGregor
Paula Peacock, DNP, FNP
B12 Monitoring and Supplementation in Type II Diabetic Patients Taking Metformin
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Barbara Austin, DNP, FNP-BC
HPV Vaccine Uptake in the Family Practice Setting: A Quality Improvement Project
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Christopher Rumsey, DNP, MBA, RN
Short-Stay Palliative Pain Management for Southwestern VA: Process Improvement Plan
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Shannon French, DNP, RN, CPN
Fertility Preservation: Educating the Pediatric Oncology Population
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Leighanne Meade, DNP, FNP-BC
A Preprocedural Hydration Protocol for Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Rebecca Monteau
How a Structured Orientation Pathway Can Meet the Needs of the Organization, Employee,
and Patients
Chair: Dr. Mary Vanderhoef
Traci Fowler, DNP, RN
Advancing the Health Literacy Knowledge and Skills of Undergraduate Nursing Students
Chair: Dr. Lynnette Kennison
Shannon Meijer, DNP, RN
Nursing Program Admission Criteria: Finding the Right Mix for Improving Program and
NCLEX-RN Outcomes
Chair: Dr. Cheryl Bergman
Lori Dewey, DNP, RN
Nurse Residency Program Pilot
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Barbara Barnes, DNP, APRN
Nurse Residency Program Pilot
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Deb Hadfield, DNP, RN
Use of Virtual Simulation as Home Assignments to Improve Clinical Reasoning Skills
in First Semester Bachelor Nursing Students
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Sherry Talsma, DNP, RN
Interprofessional Simulation in Undergraduate Health Science Programs: An Assessment
of Interdisciplinary Perception and Readiness for Interprofessional Learning between
Nursing, Radiology and Human Service Senior Students
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Sara Wilk, DNP, RN
Improved Interprofessional Communication Skills through Simulation Using Telecommunication:
The Impact of Interprofessional Education Using Skype and Facetime on IPEC Competencies
Self-Assessed Scores of the Interprofessional Values Domain and Interprofessional
Interactions Domain in Senior Level Pre-licensure BSN Nursing Students
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Kelly Martin, DNP, RN
Engagement in a Cultural Competence Course and its Impact on Transcultural Competence,
Transcultural Confidence, and Transcultural Knowledge
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Connie Smith, DNP, RN
The Impact of Nurse to Nurse Mentoring in Leadership Skills Development-RNmentor2mentor
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Linda Macera-DiClemente, DNP, RN
The Impact of Nurse to Nurse Mentoring in Leadership Skills Development-RNmentor2mentor
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Mary Beaudry, DNP, RN
Motivational Interviewing and Diabetes
Chair: Dr. Pam Rillstone
Amanda R. McNulty, DNP, FNP-BC
Using Brief Motivational Interviewing to Increase Healthy Lifestyle Habits in Overweight
and Obese Adults in a Rural Family Practice Setting
Chair: Dr. Pam Rillstone
Kimberly Johnson, DNP, RN
Telemedicine Changing Home Health Care
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Leyla Pordeli, DNP, RN
Informatics Competency-Based Assessment: Evaluation and Determination of Nursing Informatics
Competency Gaps among Practicing Nurse Informaticists
Chair: Dr. Roberta Christopher
Ilana Logvinov, DNP, RN
Evidence-Based Practice Fellowship Program
Chair: Dr. Mary Vanderhoef
Michelle Conkling, DNP, CNM
Underserved Women and Hereditary Breast Cancer Screening
Chair: Dr. Mary Gipson
Patricia Williamson, DNP, RN
Family-Centered Visitation Program Guide for the Pediatric PACU
Chair: Dr. Lindsay Wolf
Erica Schroeder, DNP, FNP-BC
Evaluation of a Fellowship Program for Nurse Practitioner Graduates in an Academic
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds.
Kara Bragg, DNP, FNP, ENP
Ultrasound as a First Line Diagnostic Modality to Detect Urolithiasis.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Janette Dunlap, DNP, FNP
Text4Life: The Use of Text Messaging to Influence Health Behaviors in Adolescents.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Angela Ford, DNP, FNP-BC
A Project Comparing Self-monitoring with a Smartphone Application for Weight Loss
vs Paper Diary
Chair: Dr. Roberta Logsdon
Tracie Mitchem Green, DNP, FNP
Exploring the Lived Experience of Now-Adult Child Sexual Abuse Victims.
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Martha Hicks, DNP, FNP
Patient Centered Medical Home Integrated Primary Care Sub-Specialists
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds
Karen Lane, DNP, FNP
Effectiveness of Portal Notification in Completion of Cervical Cancer Screening In
the 50-65 Year Old Female Family Medicine Patient.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Diana Oliver, DNP, ANP, PMHNP
Discovering Undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a Psychiatric Population.
Chair: Dr. Lynnette Hansen Kennison
Michelle Silver, DNP, FNP
Evaluating a New Ambulatory Care Coordination Program.
Chair: Dr. Teri Chenot
Joann Smith, DNP, CNM
Midwives’ Business Guide To An Independent Home Birth Practice.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Sandra Taylor, PNP, DNP
Flipped Learning in the Pediatric Classroom-A Capstone Project.
Chair: Dr. Jeane Richards
Carol Volante, DNP, FNP
Emerging Strategies in Diabetes Education: An Integrated Literature Review.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Mary Blade, DNP, FNP
Guideline Directed Therapy for Systolic Heart Failure.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Elaine Borne, DNP, ANP, AGACNP
Nurse Practitioners' Perceived Preparedness for the Role of Hospitalist Provider.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Janet Garvey, DNP ANP, PMHNP
Improving Communication between Professional Caregivers and Patients with Dementia:
Evaluating the Efficacy of a Caregiver Education Program.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Disease Management of Heart Failure: Nurse led Multidisciplinary Clinic.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Crystal Lynn, DNP, CRNA
A Case Analysis: Intracardiac Thrombus during Liver /Kidney Transplant with resolution
using t-PA.
Chair: Dr. Leigh Hart
Pam Lovett, DNP, CRNA
Propofol versus Midazolam/Fentanyl Sedation for Colonoscopy in the Elderly.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Ava Smith, DNP, FNP
Nurse Practitioner Attitudes Regarding Utilization of Smartphone Tracker Apps.
Chair: Dr. Hilary Morgan
Mary Vanderhoef, DNP, FNP
Patient Understanding of Emergency Department Discharge Instructions.
Chair: Dr. Michelle Edmonds