Professional Development
Teaching Support
Academic Technology provides services in instructional design, video production, media services, classroom technology support, and maintenance. Click here for more information on Academic Technology.
For guidance and development in teaching, click here for the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Internal Funding
Full-time faculty are eligible to apply for funding to attend conferences and events for both research and development. Funding limits are placed whether attending as an attendee or a presenter. Funding is also based on if the request is for a first or second trip.
For more information on professional development and proposal development, go to Internal Funding Opportunities
If the request for funding has been approved:
- The initial notification email will include the amount of funding that has been approved.
- Read the JU travel policy before the trip to ensure you understand the current rules, especially the requirement for itemized receipts. The travel policy will be attached to the approval email. For the complete policy, please refer to the JU Policy and Procedures Manual.
Expense Reporting
For information on completing travel advances and/or expense forms, please refer to:
- Accounts Payable Procedures from the Controller's office
- When submitting the expense report (with all original receipts)
Travel Expense Report
Complete the form online. Forms filled out by hand cannot be accepted. Save the completed form to your hard drive. It will not print until saved. Print a hard copy and staple your receipts to it. (Financial Affairs requires original, itemized receipts for expenses and meals. Any restaurant can create an itemized receipt if asked, even if it must be hand written. Example: If you charge a meal to your hotel room or have room service, ask for an itemized receipt that shows what items were ordered. The checkout statement, where your meal is listed as simply “dinner” or “lunch” without specifics, will not work for reimbursement.
Use this online tool if you need to convert your expenses from other currency to the US dollar. Enter the dates of your trip. The web page calculates an average exchange rate for the period of time you traveled. Put the average on the form and attach the web page printout to the expense report as proof of the correct exchange rate.