Faculty & Staff Procedures

If you feel sick:

If you have started feeling symptoms for any illness (including influenza, COVID, etc.), including congestion, runny nose, headache, even the most minor allergy symptoms:

  1. Stay home. If you have to leave your home for any reason, wear a mask.
  2. Call your health provider to be evaluated for your illness. 
  3. Follow normal University "sick day" policies or work remotely if approved by your supervisor.
  4. You can return to work once you are cleared by your doctor or once symptoms have significantly improved.  It is advised, for those with respiratory symptoms of nasal congestion, cough and sneezing, to wear a face mask once you have returned to work until these symptoms have fully resolved.
  5. If your illness causes you to miss more than three (3) days of work, a doctor’s certificate/note permitting a return to work must be submitted to the supervisor/manager who will forward the note to the Office of People and Culture.