Major in French
Our flexible French program imparts to students an understanding of a global society and interdependent world. Courses in French enable the student to learn the French language and become familiar with Francophone cultures.
World Language Majors with a concentration in French and Francophone STudies also study the outstanding figures of Francophone literatures and civilizations and are prepared for careers in teaching, government service, and private corporations.
Students who major or minor in French are strongly encouraged to study abroad. During five- to six-week summer sessions, JU students can travel to Europe, Canada, and/or Africa to experience the culture of these regions while living with host families. The University also participates in academic credit study abroad programs that offer summer or semester study opportunities tailored especially for each student.
Independent study projects are encouraged, especially those that cross disciplines and permit students to receive academic credit both in the chosen foreign language and in another area such as history, political science, biology or business.
Students who plan to teach French on the secondary level should consult with the School of Education early in their academic careers to determine the specific requirements.
B.A. in World Languages and Culture with a concentration in French and Francophone Studies
Students pursuing a B.A. in World Languages and Culture with a concentration in French and Francophone Studies must complete a minimum of 27-hours study in the major, including general work in literary theory and linguistics.
World Languages Core (6 hours)
- ENGL305: Survey of Literary Theory
- ENGL400: Linguistics
French Concentration Core (6 hours)
- FREN301: Conversation
- FREN302: Composition
Electives (15 or more hours, up to 6 may be taught in translation)
- Any FREN course numbered above 202, not including 301 or 302;
- Courses outside FREN with a significant focus on France or the Francophone World, with approval of the language faculty
Students who started prior to 2021-2022
Prior to 2021-2022, the degree offered was a B.A. in French. Those requirements are below.
- FREN 301
- FREN 302
- 21 additional credit hours in French at the 200-level and above
- Three (3) credit hours in a writing intensive course chosen from:
- COMM 207WI
- ENGL 302WI
- ENGL 304WI
- Any COMM speech-intensive (SI) course