
JU Honors: Communication, Culture, and the Winter Markets Poland, Czechia, and Germany

This three-credit (3) course, Communication, Culture, and the Winter Markets, will use
strategic social media and storytelling (including video, online media, social media, online and
blog writing, and photography) and culminate with travel to study, experience, and understand
the culture, history, and the societies of Poland (Krakow and Wroclaw), Prague, Czech Republic,
and Germany (Dresden and Berlin) through their winter markets and rich histories. Students will take the course as an honors upper-level Communications (COMM 452H) class or an honors International
Studies course (IS 305H) during the Fall 2024 semester. Following the end of term, students will then travel as a group with Dr. Kent-Willette in early December for 11 days.

Students will examine, explore, and experience the rich history, music, art, food, and culture of
the three countries and regions through their winter markets and additional focused activities.
Required onsite field study includes visits to the winter markets in each city, museums,
architectural tours, and areas of historical interest. Students must read, research, and report on
historical accounts and background material, ensuring accurate information is featured
throughout the course work.

Important Dates

Course Dates: August 19 - November 21, 2024

Travel Dates: December 5 - 15, 2024*
*Subject to change

Application & Deposit Deadline: August 1, 2024

Final Payment Deadline: September 20, 2024

How to Apply

  • Students must be part of the Honors or Scholars Program to apply.
  • Click 'Apply Now' below to first create your Traveler Profile. Enter your JU email and create a password.
  • Once logged in, click 'Explore Programs', and type JU Honors: Communication, Culture, and the Winter Markets in the search bar. Click 'Apply Now' on the program page and submit your application.
  • Once accepted, you will need to submit a $350 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot.
    • The deposit is deducted from the total program cost.
    • Click here to submit the deposit payment.
    • Click 'Make a Payment' in the 'Education Payments' quadrant. 
    • Select 'Florida', 'Jacksonville University', 'Online Payments', and 'Study Abroad Deposits' to proceed, shown here:
      Deposit Instructions
    • More information on submitting payment to JU is available here

Apply Now

On-Site Program Costs

$2,900 - $3,260 + airfare (subject to change, based on number of travelers)

*This price range is determined based on enrollment. The final on-site program cost will be determined after the application and deposit deadline has passed.  The $350 deposit is deducted from the total on-site program cost. The program cost is in addition to the Fall 2024 JU tuition.

Once enrollment is confirmed for the course, the on-site program cost will be added to each student's JU account.  

Included in On-Site Program Cost

  • In-country transportation (coach bus & public transportation)
  • Welcome and Farewell Dinners
  • Some meals (specified on itinerary)
  • Shared accommodations in hotels
  • Group excursions, activities, and entrance fees per itinerary
  • 24-hour emergency support services
  • On-site Tour Manager for the duration of the program
  • Emergency Medical & Accident insurance for each participant
  • Gratuities to guides and bus drivers

Excluded from On-Site Program Cost

  • Roundtrip Airfare
    • Students will receive specific instructions on arrival/departure. 
      Please do not book flights until you have received these details from Study Abroad & Away.
  • Some meals (unless otherwise specified on itinerary)
  • Optional tours
  • Incidentals 


During the Fall Term, students will register for either COMM 452H or IS 305H for 3 credit hours.

This program fulfills JU’s Experiential Learning undergraduate requirement for graduation.

Standard JU tuition and fees for Fall 2024 apply for the COMM 452H/IS305H course. 
(See JU Undergraduate Tuition & Costs

This program is exclusively offered to students enrolled in the Honors or Scholars Program at JU.

Faculty Leaders

Dr. Annmarie Kent-Willette

Executive Director, Global Teaching and Learning
Professor, Communication

Dr. Lisa Sutherland

Executive Director, Honors and Scholars Programs

Tentative Program Itinerary

  • Thursday, Dec 5 - Depart US for Krakow (KRK)
    • Overnight flight

  • Friday, Dec 6 - Arrive in Krakow
    • Orientation meeting with Tour Manager
    • Overnight: Krakow
    • Meals: Dinner

  • Saturday, Dec 7 - Krakow
    • Krakow City Tour & Christmas Market
    • Overnight: Krakow
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Sunday, Dec 8 - Oswiecim
    • Tour of Auschwitz
    • Overnight: Krakow
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Monday, Dec 9 - Wroclaw
    • Tour of Wroclaw & Christmas Market
    • Overnight: Wroclaw
    • Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

  • Tuesday, Dec 10 - Travel to Czechia
    • Tour of Kutna Hora
    • Christmas Market in Prague
    • Overnight: Prague
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Wednesday, Dec 11 - Prague
    • Tour of Prague
    • Overnight: Prague
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Thursday, Dec 12 - Free Day in Prague 
    • Optional tour: Prague Castle & St. Vitus Cathedral
    • Overnight: Prague
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Friday, Dec 13 - Travel to Germany
    • Dresden city tour & Christmas Market
    • Overnight: Berlin
    • Meals: Breakfast

  • Saturday, Dec 14 - Berlin
    • Tour of Berlin & Christmas Market
    • Optional tour: Berlin's Hidden Past
    • Overnight: Berlin
    • Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

  • Sunday, Dec 15 - Depart Europe
    • Transfer to airport (BER), fly back to US
    • Meals: Breakfast

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Study Abroad & Away