Web CMS Training - Uploading PDF files

Uploading a Document and linking to it: 

1. To start uploading a document, make sure your document is saved in PDF format (.pdf extension) first. 

2. Open the page you wish to edit on the CMS. 

3. Check out the file (click on the light bulb at the top-right corner of the screen).

4. Click the "Main Content" green box on the page. 

5. Type in the sentence or paragraph where you'd like to link the PDF from. For example: "Click here to download a PDF of the User Manual". 

6. Highlight the words that you'd like the PDF to be linked from. Example: "Click here to download a PDF of the User Manual"

7. With the words highlighted, click on the LINK icon from the toolbar.

8. Proceed to upload the PDF into the cms. From the popup, click the arrow icon next to "URL".

a screenshot of the file upload screen in the CMS

9. In the top right corner, select "Production" from the dropdown menu. 

In the left side of the screen, navigate to the folder where you want to upload the file. All document files (pdf) are uploaded under /docs/ folder in the website you manage. 

screenshot of file upload

10. Click on the Add button in the Upload to /[folder]/docs window

screenshot of ile upload

11. Choose the PDF file from your local computer to star uploading it to the CMS. 

screenshot of file upload

12. If the file already exists in the CMS, you will see a message asking if you wish to replace it. Only replace files that you know for sure you have the latest version of it. Once you see the file listed on this screen, click on the "Start Upload" button. 

screenshot of file upload

13. Once the file is uploaded, you can click on it to select it and click on the "Insert" button. 

screenshot of file upload

 14. The file CMS reference number will be populated on the URL input field. Now proceedo to select the "Open link kin..." dropdown menu to "New window".  Click the "Save" button when done. 

screenshot of file upload

15. Now your highlighed words/sentence will look simillar to this: "Click here to download a PDF of the User Manual".


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