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Davis College of Business & Technology
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211
Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
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Dr. Rody Borg is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Jacksonville University having joined the faculty in the fall of 1984. Dr. Borg was named Jacksonville University Professor of the Year for 2006. In graduate school Dr. Borg specialized in Economic History, Industrial Organization and Labor Economics. Dr. Borg’s dissertation was entitled “Merger Participation and the Return to the Stockholders of Acquiring Firms: 1905-1930”.
Dr. Borg has published several papers in scholarly journals on mergers and acquisitions, teaching and critical thinking. His current research interests are focused on public policy aspects of state lotteries focusing on their benefit and tax incidence and the migration of college students. Additionally Dr. Borg is engaged in research examining the role of location and socioeconomic characteristics in explaining voter preferences on specific referendum issues. Dr. Borg is widely respected in Northeast Florida as an expert in forensic economics in litigation matters. Dr. Borg has and continues to be called upon to testify in circuit and federal court in both Florida and Georgia. Dr. Borg is married and has three daughters. Rebecca, Kellie, and Christina.
This is not a comprehensive list.
- PPOL 501: Microeconomics for Public Policy
- PPOL 502: Public Finance
- Ph.D., Economics, 1986, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- B.A., Economics, History, 1976, Huntingdon College
Academic Experience
- Chair, Department of Economics, Jacksonville University, 2013 - 2014
- Director Accelerated Degree Program, Jacksonville University, 2008 – 2011
- Interim Dean, Davis College of Business & Technology, Jacksonville University
- Director, Jacksonville University Center for American Free Enterprise, 1999 - 2001
- Director, Florida Business Challenge, Davis College of Business & Technology, 2003 - 2004
- Director, Executive Development and Training Programs, Davis College of Business & Technology, Jacksonville University, 2001
- Member of Davis College of Business & Technology Leadership Team, 1999 - 2004
- MBA Program Director, Jacksonville University, 1987 - 1990
- Professor of Economics, Jacksonville University, 1994 – present
- Associate Professor of Economics (Tenured), Jacksonville University, 1990 - 1994
- Assistant Professor of Economics, Jacksonville University, 1986 – 1990
- Instructor of Economics, Jacksonville University, 1984 – 1986
- Visiting Instructor, Wake Forest University, 1983 - 1984
- Visiting Instructor, North Carolina State University, 1980 - 1983
Recent Research
“Uncovering Hidden Industry Linkages in Northeast Florida’s Regional Economy: The Case for Export Expansion in Florida’s Fourth Largest MSA", with Dr. Fiorentina Angjellari-Dajci, Dr. Richard Cebula, and Dr. Robert Boylan, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2016.
- "Closing the Achievement Gap Between High-poverty Schools and Low-poverty Schools"
- "School Grades Based on Standardized Test Scores: Are They Fair?"
Media Commentary
Personal Interests
Woodworking, Watching Football, Collegiate Wrestling. He is a huge roller coaster fan. He loves to fish and will fish for almost anything, anytime, anywhere.