Davis College of Business and TechnologyCareer Enhancement Opportunities (CEO) Program

What is the CEO Program?
The Career Enhancement Opportunities (CEO) Program is required for all Davis College of Business and Technology majors under the Fall 2024, Fall 2023 and Fall 2022 catalogs. It is also required for Aviation, Accounting, Business Administration, Business Analytics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing and Sport Business majors under the Fall 2021 catalog. The goal of the CEO program is for students to gain a better understanding of the majors and subsequent career options in business and to become more marketable through acquiring additional business credentials, skills, knowledge, and practical experiences. The program is also designed to give students the opportunity to become more engaged both on and off campus, expand their professional network, and gain an overall more fulfilling university experience.
Get StartedCEO requirements
In addition to completing the required coursework associated with each degree offered within the Davis College of Business and Technology, students participate in twelve Career Enhancement Opportunities (CEOs). Six of the CEOs must fall into the following categories: career exploration, resume, technology, internship/mentorship or other practicum experience, mock interview, and job search strategy. Students who complete the requirements will earn a Professionalism Badge through Badgr to share on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
To see more about the CEO program, visit the ECHO webpage
Select Career Exploration Opportunities under Paths to find more information about the program, record CEO activity completion, and track overall progress.
Networking 101: How to Use and Build Your Network to Find Real Opportunities When: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Location: DCOBT 165/171/174 Add to: Google Calendar | iCal/Outlook |
When: Monday, March 24, 2025 Time: 9:30 am - 10:30 pm Location: DCOBT 165 Add to: Google Calendar | iCal/Outlook |
Speed Networking with JU College Advisory Board Members When: Thursday, March 27, 2025 Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Location: DCOBT 165, 171, 174 Add to: Google Calendar | iCal/Outlook |
CEO Requirement Categories
The goal for Career Exploration is for Davis College students to explore various occupations and how they fit with your career goals. Davis College of Business and Technology students will complete one required Career Exploration CEO. Jacksonville University offers a variety of different career focused events to give students opportunities to learn about their desired profession and gain exposure to different career paths.
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
Through job search strategy, Davis College students should understand how to create a strategy for job hunting so you can find the right position for you. Davis College of Business and Technology students will complete one required Job Search Strategy CEO.
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
Technological skills are key in today’s job market. Davis College of Business and Technology students will complete one required Technology CEO.
You can complete this requirement through:
* Attending an event categorized CEO Technology
* Complete an UpSkill Course at JU
* Complete FAA Instrument Rating AVO 215
* Complete FAA Commercial Multi-Engine Rating AVO 317
* Complete FAA Commercial Single Engine Rating AVO 316
* Member of Flight Team
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
For Davis College students, your resume includes your experience, skills, and accomplishments and will be needed to secure employment or graduate school opportunities. Davis College of Business and Technology students will complete one required Resume CEO. Students will create their VMock account or sign in with their JU email. You will be able to upload your resume and work through the VMock smart tools to format and improve your resume achieving a score of 65 and above. Students will need to download this VMock edited resume and upload it via the CEO Request under "report experience".
To access VMock, visit VMock Resume Webpage
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
Professor Hughes will offer a resume session for AVO majors in both the fall and spring semesters.
Be selected and complete your resume for the Deans Fellows Resume Book.
An applied experience for Davis College students will help you connect to real-world experiences and will help you build professional competencies and character. Each semester, we will grant this experience to those students who have completed an Internship (through JU) or Mentorship (through JU). Networking with your professors and guest professionals is a great way to make connections and find internship opportunities that interest you. Internships can also be attained by searching and applying for positions via LinkedIn or Handshake. Overall, internships are extremely beneficial and provide students with real-world experiences to begin their career paths.
Students can apply for the JU Mentorship program here: Phins Up Mentorship Program
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
AVO students can also complete this category by completing one of the following criteria:
- Aviation Tutor
- FAA Certified Flight Instructor Certificate (CFI) AVO 410
- FAA Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument Certificate (CFII) AVO 411
- L3Harris Flight Instructor
If you have met the objectives of the CEO Internship, Mentorship, or Other Practicum Experience outside of JU, other experiences can be reported via completion the CEO request within Echo.
Davis College students should practice your interview skills and get professional feedback on areas of improvement to be well-versed and ready for the real world. Davis College students will complete one required Mock Interview CEO.
Big Interview:
You can utilize Big Interview to earn this experience. Students will need to follow the link, and once logged in/signed up, select assignments and input the following number 685566, to access the CEO assessment. Upon completing the assignment, students should receive a review score of 3.5 or higher. Students will need to screenshot or download their review (3.5 or higher) and upload it by completing the CEO request. Visit Big Interview to get started on fulfilling this CEO experience.
Upcoming events can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO Webpage.
AVO Majors can also complete this category by:
- Attending Captain Marble Airline Interview Session (offered fall & spring semesters)
- Complete the aviation-specific Mock Interview Platform
- Interview and be hired by any Airline Gateway/ Pathway Program
- Interview and be hired as a L3Harris Flight Instructor
Davis College students will complete six additional CEO's from any required CEO categories. Students are free to pick any category for the prefer for these additional 6 CEO Experiences. You can focus on events that are interesting and beneficial to your personal goals and education. If you have completed an experience, event, or activity that should be included, please report experience via Echo.
Upcoming events that fulfill CEO Additional requirements can be found in the calendar at the top of this page or by visiting the ECHO webpage.
Purpose and Goal

Jacksonville University Career Fair 2022
Fulfilled the CEO Career Exploration requirement

Jacksonville University Career Fair 2022
Fulfilled the CEO Career Exploration requirement

Jacksonville University Find Your POD 2022
Fulfilled one of the CEO Earn Additional Six requirements
Request for Information
If you have questions or concerns regarding the DCOBT CEO Program, please contact Heather Heston.
Email: hheston@ju.edu