Chieu Duong
Chieu Duong
Instructor of Mathematics
- Email address
- Telephone number (904) 256-7310
M.A.T., Jacksonville University
Area of Specialization
- Delivered invited workshop, “Teaching Towards Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics” and “Teaching Problem-Solving and Metacognitive Skills in the Mathematics Classroom” at the Guardian Catholic Schools, January 2019.
- Presented paper on “The Sum of all the Numbers of a Given n x n Multiplication Table as a Function of n” to graduate students at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY, Spring 2016.
- “Narrow Corridor” co-authored with Yeung, M., an assessment of a mathematical problem published in Fletcher, N., Velamur, A., Waid, B., & Dimacali, A. (Eds.) (2013), Mathematical modeling handbook II: The assessments. Bedford, MA: COMAP.